BSI Cyber-Risk-Check

BSI Cyber Risk Check: The BSI Cyber Risk Check is a method that enables companies to determine their current state of information security. It is a systematic review that identifies vulnerabilities and potential threats within the IT infrastructure. The check helps companies identify risks, define measures to improve their information security, and minimize the likelihood[…]

Business Continuity Management (BCM)

The resilience of your essential business processes Our goal: create prevention and recovery mechanisms to provide for potential damaging events of a company.Our tool: Business Continuity Management, as one of two important tools in event prevention/resolution. It is important that the overall BCM/ Incident Management construct is viewed holistically. The following diagram serves to clarify[…]

Risk management

Nothing happens without risk, but wihtout risks nothing happens.(Walter Scheel, former German Federal President) Risk management is an essential factor of successful corporate management. Corporate risks are possible damaging events, which are defined by the amount of damage and the probability of occurrence. These can affect the most diverse processes and areas of a company.[…]


We support your company We offer experience in dealing with a wide range of standards and test catalogs. The points listed here result from our recent projects and are not an exhaustive list. If you have any questions about other standards, please write to us or give us a call. BSI C5 The BSI C5[…]

Incident Management (IM)

Protect your company against damaging events Our goal: To minimize the damage to your company in case of disruptions and interruptions.Our tool: Incident management, we deal with the essential business processes, analyze risks and create the appropriate safety net. We regard prevention and management as inseparable parts of the business, which can only be successful[…]


We deliver results Our goal: Transparent project management to fulfill the wishes, goals and requirements of our customers. Our means: Project management according to standard both agile and classic, also we adapt to the circumstances and work out the right procedure with you. Regardless of the different approaches and methods in project management, we see[…]


ā€˛However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” (Sir Winston Churchill) Our goal:A clearly formulated IT strategy in line with the business objectives and verifiable achievement of objectives. Our Tool: Analysis of the business structures, valid standards, information security architecture, emergency management and the IT system of the customer. We support our[…]