Nothing happens without risk, but wihtout risks nothing happens.
(Walter Scheel, former German Federal President)
Risk management is an essential factor of successful corporate management. Corporate risks are possible damaging events, which are defined by the amount of damage and the probability of occurrence. These can affect the most diverse processes and areas of a company. A risk that is well known to every company is that of employee illness. On average, every german employee will be 18.5 days sick per year (IWD, 2018). An event, occuring continuously and frequently in the course of a year.
A short Example
According to the guidelines for incapacity to work (BMG, 2014), a period of two weeks (one month in exceptional cases) should not be exceeded for a certificate of incapacity to work. In fact, 33.2% of the courses of illness have a positive end after 1-3 days, 30.8% after 4-7 days and 18.4% after one to two weeks. 82.4 % of the recorded cases of illness are therefore not within the range of the exception and can be considered moderate. (IWD, 2018)
We can assume that individual resources normally become ill several times a year, but the damage is limited, since the course of the disease is usually positive after a few days. Normally we speak of a moderate risk for companies. However, if we look at the current situation with COVID-19, our previously assumed evaluation for the normal case no longer fits. A virus, which causes additional diseases in the company, even with possible, although unlikely, death consequences. A scenario for which it does not necessarily require a new pandemic. The flu in all its forms has accompanied us for centuries and recently caused a significant increase in the number of illnesses with influenza. This example shows that it is essential to treat risks in all their facets, to design the necessary processes and the right measures to manage even the greatest risk.

Our Service
We accompany you through the various phases of setting up a risk management system. From risk identification to management, we create the necessary processes and documents together with you. This includes the threat catalog that is suitable for your company. We create the necessary process landscape, for example for the analysis or quantification of risks. Through risk communication, we network the most important stakeholders in your company. In the course of continuous improvement, we attach great importance to implementing improvement mechanisms in risk management, in order to be able to guarantee constantly updated risk management.
In the last three years, Enterprise Open Systems has successfully implemented risk management projects for its customers in the DACH region. Design, threat catalog, risk catalog, implementation, documentation and exercises are fixed components of our service.
Just contact us!
IWD, (2019, Jan 01). Krankenstand in Deutschland. Retrieved on 23.11.2020.
Bundesministierum für Gesundheit, (2014). Arbeitsunfähigkeitsrichtlinie, BAnz AT 27.01.2014 B4)